Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“Open source” GDD

Hey guys, I realize I’ve spent way too long away from this blog. But in fact, I’ve checked it every once in a while. Just don’t have as much time or stuff to write about with all the work going on.
Couple of months back (in very early July) I finished a non-profit indie project for a basketball game. There was only me and a producer, who was looking for a team at the time. The project began way back in May and the task given me was to design the gameplay systems for this ficticious XBLA basketball sports title.
Short story is: the project went to hell during late pre-production after me and him found work in the industry, so the design became obsolete. With no real use to it I decided to let it out there as reference material for anyone starting out, I myself found very little work in game design when I was starting back in ‘08. So I decided to put it out there for whoever’s interested. Many people starting out don’t really understand what you mean when you say most designers find their way around creating documents and other important things like spreadsheets and stuff for gameplay design. But it becomes clear once you start to use a pre-cooked one for your game… Things don’t add up, and that’s the Eureka moment where designers learn that templates only go so far.
So I’ll link to my “open source” GDD here and anybody willing will be able to download the .pdf for non-profitable use. So, if you’re interested, link here.